Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
Hanuman Nagar, Dhanvantari Road, Nagpur

Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana


Introduction :

Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda. It basically deals with the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines using herbomineral drugs.

 The Department is fully equipped with various instruments, specimens, models, charts.etc. All essential practical are carried out in the Laboratory as per syllabus. There is also an in-house Pharmacy. Total intake capacity for P.G. is 6 students per year. Approximately 95 P.G students and 20 Ph.D. students have been awarded degree. The department is recognized as a Ph.D. Research Centre.

There is a separate Research Laboratory for P.G. students which has been designed as per C.C.I.M. norms.

Objectives :

·         To prepare various Ayurvedic formulations so as to impart practical knowledge to the students.

·         To encourage and guide the P. G. students to prepare various novel Rasakalpas mentioned in Rasagranthas.

·         To focus on Analytical study for the Standardization of Rasakalpas.

·         To arrange visits to various G.M.P. approved Pharmacies, R & D centers & Pharmacy colleges

·         To build a strong foundation for future Ayurvedic Pharmacists & Rasavaidyas.

Departmental Features :

1] Well equipped laboratory containing various instruments, charts, models, geologically identified specimens and customized machineries.

2] Well maintained departmental library containing Books, Dissertations & Journals.

3] In house Pharmacy- Various types of Ayurvedic medicines are prepared at pharmacy.

4]   Research Laboratory- It is provided with various Modern Analytical Instruments and all research practical are performed here. The physico-chemical tests of the medicines are performed in our pharmacy.


With the help of well equipped labs, this department imparts training in medicinal chemistry and preparation of highly potent medicines from minerals and metals. Knowledge of Ayurvedic Pharmacy encompasses field identification of medicinal plants and other natural substances, collection and storage procedures of raw materials, preliminary processing of raw drugs, elaborate and sophisticated methods of pharmaceutical processing and preservation of prepared medicines.