Prasuri tantra and striroga is well developed as per CCIM norms. All the necessary teaching materials are available for conducting UG and PG practicals and clinics. Tubectomy camps are taken regularly with co-ordination of Zillah- Parishad. Guidelines are given to people living in slum area regarding antenatal, post-natal and neonatal care.
Advice and mangement for Puberty age, Adoleen age girls according to Shashtrokta ayurvedic method, day to day regimen regarding their menarch, menstruation, hygieng of genital parts.
Marriage counselling to both partners
Preconception counseling to both partners.
Antenatal care, chek up and follow up with shashtrokta ayurved methods.
Garbhadhan, Garbhasanskar counselling
Advice of diet and behaviour to pregnant ladies according to ayurved samhitas.
ANC (Antenatal care, check up, follow up, vaccination) for monthly growth and devekopment of fetus.
Stress management, yoga and meditation of all patients.
All pregnant women are adviced basti and pichdharan during 9 months for normal labour and painless delivery.
Delivery -(Normal labours) as well as L.S.C.S. as per need.
Post-natal care i.e. sutika Paricharya (diet and regime) Dhupan to prevent infection, medication and massage to both mother and baby.
If patient has completed her family she is being adviced for Tubectomy or her partner for vasectomy if she is has not completed her family she is being advicised for contraceptives.
Premenopausal and postmenopausal advise about diet and theirday to day reginmen.
Medicaton are given with panchakarma like snehan, Swedan, Basti, Uttar basti if needed.
Uttarbasti is being carred out in large amount for infertity patients (Couples) with counselling.